About me

I have fulfilled my dream and made my passion my profession and vocation. Here I tell you about the expertise I can use to accompany you on your journey.
People and their stories fascinate me
Durch meine langjährige Arbeit als Kinderkrankenschwester und mein Studium als Osteopathin und Heilpraktikerin gelingt es mir, Erkenntnisse der Schulmedizin mit den Mitteln der alternativen Medizin zu vereinen.
Mein Ziel ist, den Blickwinkel offenzuhalten – denn Heilung geschieht allumfassend, nicht isoliert.
Qualifications, professional experience & further education
- May 2023 Cranio Sacral Therapy for Infants and Children at FiHH
- Since March 2023 Systemic in Voss Institute
- October 2022 Death and Now? at the Voss Institute
- October 2022 Character structures in the Voss Institute
- 2022 Alternative practitioner
- 2021 Impulse training (Gestalt therapy with osteopathy) as an impulse coach at the Voss Institute
- 2020 Bachelor of Science in Osteopathy at OSD (full-time study).
- 2017 Wellness and massage therapist at Therramedus
- 2015 Tropical Medicine Course at the Bernhard Nocht Institute
- 2015 Advanced training for pain therapy and palliative care
- 2010-2019 Pediatric nurse at AKK (pediatric surgery, pediatric intensive care, and emergency department with initial assessment course).
Qualification & Work Experience
- 2022 Alternative practitioner
- 2021 IMpuls ® Body Shape Coaching at the Voss Institute
(Annual training for Gestalt therapy and osteopathy) - 2020 Bachelor of Science in Osteopathy at OSD
(8 semesters of full-time study) - 2017 Wellness and massage therapist at Terramedus
- 2010-2019 Pediatric nurse at AKK (pediatric surgery, pediatric intensive care, and emergency department with initial assessment course).
Advanced training
- May 2023 Cranio Sacral Therapy for Infants and Children at FiHH
- Since March 2023 Systemic annual training at the Voss Institute
(System, family and organizational constellation) - October 2022 Death and Now? at the Voss Institute
- October 2022 Character Structures at Voss Institute
- 2015 Tropical Medicine Course at the Bernhard Nocht Institute
- 2015 Fortbildung für Schmerztherapie und palliative Pflege
I look forward to working with you!
If you are interested or have any questions, send me an email or give me a call.